Portfolio Guidelines

For complete guidelines and comprehensive Portfolio information visit the CompPort main page.

General Overview
A complete portfolio consists of one cover letter and two to four (2-4) pieces written expressly for English 100A/100/200. At least two of these submissions must include sustained, substantial analysis and the cover letter must also reveal sustained writing self-awareness.

Your portfolio must contain a minimum of 13 full pages and should not exceed 16 full pages (excluding bibliography / works cited pages).Please note:
  • Partially filled pages are counted as fractions of pages. This includes pages with extra lines around titles and between paragraphs.
  • A page in single-spaced documents (like letters) is counted as one page, not two.
  • Portfolios that fall below thirteen full pages of text will not be accepted.
Essays/papers must be double spaced; letters must be single spaced. The letter and essays must be in a 12-point version of Times (Times, Times Roman, or Times New Roman) and maintain one-inch margins on top, bottom, and sides of the paper. In double-spaced texts (like essays), indent the first line of each paragraph with the tab key. Do not skip additional lines between paragraphs. In single-spaced texts (like letters), do not indent the first line of the paragraph; instead, separate the paragraphs by a single blank line.

The portfolio submission date must appear on the first page of each piece of writing. Your portfolio number and a page number must appear within the header (top margin) of every page in your portfolio. This information may either be typed or handwritten. Neither your name nor your instructor’s name should appear on any part of your portfolio.

Number each page in your portfolio consecutively. That is, if your cover letter is two pages long, the cover letter’s second page becomes page 2; then the first page of the first submission becomes page 3, the second page of the first submission becomes page 4, and so on.

Each submission that includes research must have its own in-text and bibliographical reference section. If the Works Cited page fits on the bottom of that essay’s last page, please use that space rather than devote a new page to it.

Include only final drafts in your portfolio and only one copy of each submission. In other words, do not include previous drafts as you would in a working portfolio. Staple individual submissions separately in the upper left-hand corner (no paper clips, please). Present your portfolio in an 8 x 11 inch manila folder (no envelopes, report covers, or PeeChee folders, please). On the folder's tab, clearly print your portfolio number in ink.